The personal information you provide will be used to process your order and is otherwise kept strictly private and protected. You will have the option to participate in conversations on the website using your name and city/country if you choose. Privacy policy
Here are the terms and conditions in plain spoken words:
We’re going to treat you fairly and give you an experience that is worth more than the fee you pay. We’ll add you to the Show’s email list so we can keep you informed of new developments and content available on the site and any unique deals we offer, but we’ll do our best to send just the right of emails that are of value and interest, and not too many.
We will NEVER share your email address, personal information, or other information you have submitted with another party.
We keep the website free from the frantic ugly clutter of advertising for you. If you find that you signed up for something that’s not right for you, we’ll refund your full purchase quickly and graciously.
For your part, we encourage you to enjoy the Show on your own terms and to respect the intellectual property rights of those who created the site and its content by not copying it in any form, and certainly not copying it and posting it elsewhere on the internet. If you post or upload anything onto the site you are representing that you own the rights to it or have permission to do so.
As an attendee of the show you’ll be identified by your first name and last initial only on your profile page and beside anything you post yourself. Your full name will not be disclosed. All attendees are located on the Guest Map randomly within 1 mile of the center of their home town, so your exact address or location will NOT be available to other attendees. You are giving permission for the information regarding your boat to be displayed on and on If you post or upload anything onto the site you are giving Off Center Harbor and the Worldwide Classic Boat Show permission to utilize it in marketing and communications to promote the Show. We will always do that respectfully.
If you choose to leave comments or engage with participants in conversations, we request that you do that respectfully. We retain the right to delete any comments that are argumentative or insulting to another person (this is not the place for that).
That’s about it. Enjoy the Show, and please let us know if we can be of assistance.
Warmest regards,
The Crew