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  • John K.


22′ Devlin Pilothouse Schooner (1981) – RED SCHOONER

Red Schooner is a 1981 Sam Devlin designed and built

24′ Fishing Launch (1911) – ERIN

A classic Lakes fishing boat built from New Zealand kauri

14′ Garfagnoli Sailing Dinghy (1958) – NONNETTA

14 feet wooden sailing boat, in mahogany (cedar for the

16′ Nolan Micro-Motorsailer (1980) – HEATHER

A 16 foot motor sailor. Heather is perhaps the embodiment

16′ Dodge 16A (1931) – SWEET SIXTEEN

The Story of “SWEET SIXTEEN” (handwritten version available in the

16′ Gartside Daysailer (2019) – SKORRI

SKORRI is a 16 ft. double ended, gaff rigged daysailer,

16′ – VOC Friesland Working boat (2008)

Replica’s built from 17th-century working boats to celebrate the Dutch

47′ Schertzer Brothers Cabin Launch (1927) – RIPTIDE

RIPTIDE is a classic 1927 cruiser built by the Schertzer

28′ Racing Launch (1903) – FIXITOR

Fixitor, earliest power boat afloat in Europe. Circa 1903 and

29′ Alden Motorsailer (1933) – RAVEN

RAVEN is a 29-foot motorsailer, designed in 1930 by John