Bill C.
65′ Yarrow Motor Vessel (1904) – WAIRUA
Motor Vessel Wairua was built by Yarrow & company of
22′ Bailey Gaff Sloop (1909) – LIZZIE
Lizzie, a 22 foot gaff sloop built in Wellington New
44′ Sponberg Sloop (2000) – BAGATELLE
BAGATELLE is an Eric Sponberg designed, Rick Waters built cold-molded,
White Star Products Limited
Manufacturer of traditional marine fittings, Murray bottom handle winches &
52′ Luders Gaff Sloop (1924) – DYON
Dyon, a 52’ gaff rigged sloop, was co-designed by Luders
Vancouver Wooden Boat Society
The Vancouver Wooden Boat Society, in partnership with several community
Australian Wooden Boat Festival
The Largest Celebration of Wooden Boats and Maritime Culture in
22′ Muscongus Bay Sloop (1970) – SWAN’S ISLE
Built as a replica of the Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack,