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  • Charles C.


25′ Iversen/Sunden Nordic Folkboat (1959) – LORRAINE

Combine an attainable and versatile boat, and a knowledgeable owner

12′ Gartside Lug-Rigged Sailing Dinghy (2006) – AMAZON

Hidden away in the “rowboat” section of designer Paul Gartsides

28′ Hansen Spidsgatter Sloop (1936) – PAX

The only 45m2 Danish-built spidsgatter in America. At 28 feet,

22′ St. Ayles Skiff (2017) – FLORENCE

Florence is a St Ayles Skiff based on the Isle

39′ Raised-Deck Alden Sloop (1938) – HINERANGI

A John Alden design (#630). One of only two ever