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  • Brandon F.


Schattauer Sails

Schattauer Sails has been serving sailors in the Pacific Northwest

24′ S&amp

S&S Dolphin 24, designed to the MORC rule, built 1960,

15′ Double-Ended Gunning Dory (2020)

Crawford Gunning Dory In 1978, my friend and extremely talented

12′ Spurling/Danielson Rowboat (2020)

Arthur Spurling built many rowboats to his wonderful design on

Pacific Northwest Pocket Yachters

The Pacific Northwest Pocket Yachters are a loose-knit group—no bylaws,

Oregon Ocean Paddling Society

Portland’s premier all-level sea kayak and paddling club, Joyfully exploring

Bluewater Cruising Association

The Bluewater Cruising Association helps aspiring offshore sailors prepare themselves

Antique and Classic Boat Society Bob Speltz Land O’ Lakes Chapter

Founded in 1977 to bring people together with an interest

Grays Harbor Historical Seaport

A non-profit public development authority based in Aberdeen, Washington. For

Olympia Wooden Boat Fair

Promotes the rich history and tradition of wooden boats in